maybe i can go look outside for anything.

still cant see shit

though now looking at it again it looks more planty than expected. i thought it was a cave.

it looks like a rocky jungle with gems peaking out from the ground. i hear something like a water fall?

i walked over the hill and see someone swimming in the clear water. the gems make the inside of the pond glitter when you aim your phones torch towards it.

???: Hi! Come on in! The water is nice.

—: no thanks ill stick to dry land. youve got a nice place, peaceful and dark.

???: I would have preferred somewhere sunnier but i couldn't choose that, also you are from somewhere else?

—: yeah, i came from a floating island.

???:Hah that’s weird. I’m Izzy by the way, who are you?

—: im lief nice to meet you.

Lief: im actually glad that there is someone here besides me.

Izzy: Happy to help.

Izzy: So, you are from another place? How many places have you seen so far.

Lief: this is my first one.

Izzy: Cool.

Lief: have you learned anything about your place or a way to go back home?

Izzy: No, I’m actually enjoying the time away from home. Do you have any idea on how we got here? It feels like divine intervention but I’m not sure.

Lief: no not really. just everything shattering away like a smashed mirror then im suddenly somewhere else.

Izzy: Same here. Maybe weve been saved, it doesn’t look dangerous here and its actually very silent.

Lief: my place wasn’t so safe.

Lief: so what are you doing, now that you’ve got so much extra time.

Izzy: I have barely started doing anything. Just took a dive after cleaning up my place to stay. I dont know how survival will go but I can figure something out.

Lief: we could work together to make things easier.

Izzy: Sure, sounds good.

Lief: we could work together to maybe find a way out of here.

Izzy: That sounds impossible but you somehow ended up at my place so why not give it a shot. I can keep a record of whatever we find out.

Izzy: But if im going to be joining you on this journey our group cant be bigger than 5 people. Its already headache enough to need to work with people but if the group gets big we will need someone to keep people in order and I dont want to be involved in that on either side.

Lief: thats reasonable, sure.

Lief: ill head back to the computer cave. we can talk about how well do this later.

Izzy: See you, ill be there after 20 minutes.

oh my god there are other people here, and ive invited izzy to the group.

i should pack for the adventure.
Their begining


dialogue now has its own boxes 31/7/2024